Harold George #45: Favorite thing to draw

What's your favorite thing to draw?
Most of my life I have always loved comics. I grew up on Uncanny X-men and Batman, but since then I've moved on to other story lines. I love to draw comics, or as some may call the darker versions "Graphic Novels". Right now I have a web comic called The S.H.O.W. that I am working on. You can view it here. This was created from old characters that my friends and I created when were younger. I thought it would be a good idea to bring the characters to life.

Lately I have been doing comic strips for my friend and writer Tony Digerolamo. Great talent there. You can check out his stuff at The Web Comic Factory.

...and that's the artist truth.

The above comic was created for The Web Comic Factory. Click here for a better view. Click here to view the final piece.

If you'd like to ask me a question just email me or leave me a comment down below, I'll make sure to publish the answer in one of my truths.

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For a more in-depth view of my artwork, check out my artbook.

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