Harold George #21: Favorite Pass Time

I'm not much of a video game player, but I do love to watch the game plays from time to time. It really helps get the creative juices going. One of the gameplay Youtube channels I've been hooked on is this Rad Brad guy. I'm on my third game which he hosts, and he is really funny, but the video quality is freaking amazing. It kind of reminds me when my friends use to come over my house and play all 3 God of War and Infamous until the passed it. That was like a whole 6-8 hours of hanging out. Luckily we didn't smoke pot like Tim and his buddy in I Hate My Kids, but we did spend a lot of time dreaming up crazy stuff. One of those great ideas was The S.H.O.W. Of course, we had drinks and food. With the Youtube channel, I have just myself. I guess I could go and get a beer and some food, but it's not the same. Check out theRadBrad Youtube channel.

...and that's the artist truth.

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