Harold George #5: Time is Money

Art Begins
Through out my entire life I've been drawing. You can say drawing is as big a part of me as is my upbringing. It's practically been there with me from a very young age. I've had other dreams before but none as strong and as focused as making drawing my life. Yes, at first it was a hobby, something I did to pass the time. But after I decided to make it my profession, it has become my means of making a decent buck.

No Respect
All thought out my life people have enjoyed countless versions of my drawing styles. "Can you draw the Reese's Pieces alien for me?" I'd adamantly respond with a "Yes" and fervently begin my craft. Long are those days when crayons were my main medium. Now-a-days my tools have become more sophisticated but the requests continue. The only difference is that I can no longer do stuff for free. It feels as though people don't respect my craft enough to consider paying for it. Most of them think that drawing is cool but don't validate paying for it. Which brings me to my next point.

What Do You Do?
We all have things we are good at doing, that's why we work. If your thing is your passion, even better. We all know at least one person who is able to do something we can't. Sometimes that's their job. If you had a lawyer friend would you pay them for their services, right? If you think what they are doing is a job, you probably would.

Time is Money
Every task takes time and unfortunately. As our societies have dictated, TIME is money. Therefore, when you ask me to draw, create, design or paint something for you for FREE, you are insulting not only my craft, but my intelligence and letting me know that you could care less about my time. So, for those who want something FREE, think of what your job is and ask yourself if you'd do it for no pay at all. If the answer is no, then you understand where I'm coming from. If yes, then you probably have no bills to pay. 

The above sketch was my starting point for a character I created with my friend Jose, based on his character. At the time I was just fooling around with it, but he made it into the Gsting universe. His name before was J. Repus, but now he goes by the name of Injustice. Check out his arch nemesis on The S.H.O.W.



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