I Hate My Kids: Home By Ten

Oh how I wish I had a little girl. I know I would spoil her. I would treat her like a little princess. She'll be daddy's little girl up until she turns into a teenager... at that age, I would  lock her up in the house until she's 18. She'll get home schooled and all these reality TV shows with people like Snookie and Internet sites like Facebook will be banned. I'll tell everyone she is away at school. That'll be a big feat from 13-18 or probably younger. Who knows if I'd have to extend the age limit to maybe 21. Yeah, 21 seems more reasonable. She'll only watch happy little cartoons and shows. I'll probably get a collection of Disney movies and had them playing in the house on every television 24/7. My electricity bill would be huge, but it's the price I'd pay to keep my little princess away from the evil claws of young boys and society, at least until she's 23. 

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