98-Deep Thoughts: Birdie
I can still remember the times we used to watch birds through our apartment window and you learned to say "birdie, birdie" as you pointed at them. Everywhere you went you wouldn't hesitate to make sure everyone knew that you now knew the word. I was so proud of you. I remember your first day of school and how adorable you looked in your little uniform. You gave us a hard time staying at school that day, but you soon stopped crying and started playing with your new friends. You soon forgot about everything else and you stayed at school for the whole day. You said you had fun that day and told the story of how wonderful your day was. "When can I go back?" you asked. I was so proud of you. I remember how hard it was for you to catch a baseball. But I remember how excited you were when you finally caught one, and I was so proud of you. I remember when I first let you cross the street by yourself. I was so scared. I walked a few steps behind you to make sure tha...